What is Indigestion? How Do You Treat it?

Suffering from indigestion? Raise your hand if this sounds familiar: burning chest pain, belching, nausea, feeling full too early while eating, abdominal pain or upper abdominal pain. 

These are all the common symptoms of indigestion. These symptoms can be distressing, debilitating, and can even interfere with your daily activities. 

About 1 in 5 adults in the UK suffer from such symptoms of indigestion, however there is no singular explanation for what causes it.

You’re  probably wondering if there are effective treatments that can relieve these distressing symptoms? The answer is YES!


So what is indigestion?

Indigestion, also called dyspepsia, refers to discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen. The term is not used to describe a disease, but rather a group of symptoms such as bloating, nausea, discomfort, and belching. 

These symptoms are usually observed after eating, but they can also be triggered by other factors, such as drinking alcohol, smoking, overeating, taking certain medications, or pregnancy. 

Indigestion usually occurs when the gastric acid comes into contact and breaks down the lining of the digestive tract. This may lead to irritation, inflammation and symptoms such as pain and swelling.

The most common type of indigestion is called functional dyspepsia. 


Functional Dyspepsia is a kind of indigestion , “without evidence of organic disease.” This means that the symptoms arose without the patient falling ill to a disease (the symptoms arose spontaneously in otherwise healthy individuals).This type of indigestion affects about 15% of the general population in western countries. 

The cause of functional dyspepsia is still unclear, but a number of factors could be responsible:

1. Excessive food in the stomach

2. Delay in food moving from the stomach to the duodenum (first part of the small intestine)

3. Helicobacter Pylori Infections

4. Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

5. Certain trigger foods and drinks, such as spicy food, alcohol, and coffee

6. Certain medications (i.e., aspirin, some antibiotics, some painkillers, steroid medications, birth control pills)


The other form of dyspepsia is called organic dyspepsia.

The symptoms of organic dyspepsia include gastric or oesophageal cancer, disorders of the pancreas, intolerance to food or drugs, and other infections. It will require targeted and specific treatment.

This variation of indigestion causes acute suffering, and severe symptoms. Due to the severity of these symptoms, it is important that you consult your doctor or pharmacist before self-diagnosing and seeking treatment.

How You Can Prevent Indigestion:

There are many steps you can take to relieve your symptoms, or prevent them happening in the first place. 

In many cases, the first line of indigestion treatment involves some lifestyle changes:

1. Dietary changes such as eating smaller amounts, eating slower

2. Exercising

3. Avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and excessive amounts of sugar

4Avoiding trigger foods (i.e. spicy meals)

5. Quitting smoking

6. Losing weight 

Have A Healthy Diet

A diet that is well-balanced in nutrients, sufficient calories and tailored to exclude the foods that trigger your indigestion can help reduce the recurrence of your persistent symptoms. 

There are certain foods that can trigger indigestion, however these may differ from person to person:

1Spicy food that can alter the acidic environment of the stomach.

2Greasy food that contains high levels of fat. Fatty foods take longer for our bodies to digest and can therefore contribute towards indigestion.

3. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yoghurt, which tend to be high in fat.

4. Alcohol,as it relaxes the lower oesophageal sphincter and can lead to excess acid production in the stomach.

5. Coffee also increases acid production that can lead to irritation in the oesophagus and stomach.

Start Exercising

Regular exercise is not only considered an essential part of a healthy diet, and important to your overall mental well-being, but it can also help manage symptoms of indigestion. 

The movements your body makes during exercise helps food move through the digestive system. Not only can exercising relieve the symptoms of indigestion, but it can also help prevent indigestion from starting in the first place

Although rigorous exercise following a meal is not recommended, a simple 20 minute walk afterwards can help relieve or avoid indigestion.

Use Natural Remedies

There are a number of natural remedies that can be used to treat indigestion including: herbal tea, ginger, fennel seeds, apple cider vinegar, and milk thistle. 

There is evidence that Mastic Gum (Pistacia lentiscus), a unique resin that comes from a tree grown in the Mediterranean, can also be used to treat indigestion and other associated digestive problems.

What is Mastic Gum?

Mastic gum (Pistacia lentiscus) is a unique resin that comes from a tree grown in the Mediterranean. 

This gum has been used for centuries as a natural way to improve digestion, oral health, and liver health. It contains antioxidants that may support its therapeutic properties; and the gum has antibacterial and antifungal properties. 

Mastic gum comes from the mastic shrub, which is a member of the pistachio family. The mastic shrub has remarkable health features when it grows on the Greek Island of Chios.

 Cuts in the bark release a resin, or sap, which is solidifies into a gum. The resin is collected, washed and dried in the sun to give an ivory-coloured product. The final product can be consumed, and helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion.

How can mastic gum aid digestive health?

Medical trials demonstrated that mastic gum induces protective, anti-acid effects on the gastrointestinal system, such as relief of ulcers. 

It also improves the gastric mucosal damage caused by antiulcer drugs, with no significant side effects. 

What clinically proven effects does mastic gum have?

1. Anti-bacterial 

2. Anti-inflammatory

3. Anti-fungal 


5. Antioxidant 

6. Supports dental hygiene

mastic tear drop.png


1. It may help relieve digestive issues

Research indicates that mastic gum can be used to relieve abdominal discomfort, heartburn, pain, and inflammation. 

Mastic gum’s positive effect on digestion may be due to the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds it contains.

2. It may help clear H. pylori bacteria

A series of studies found that mastic gum may kill off Helicobacter pylori bacteria

Researchers found that 19 out of 52 participants successfully cleared the infection after chewing mastic gum for two weeks. 

Participants who took an antibiotic in addition to chewing mastic gum experienced the highest success rate. 

There is evidence that mastic gum has antibiotic effects even against drug resistant strains of H. pylori. As a natural product, mastic gum does not induce treatment resistance in H. pylori bacterium strains.

3. It may help treat ulcers

H. pylori infections can cause peptic ulcers. The antibacterial properties of mastic gum can fight H. pylori bacteria and six other ulcer-causing bacteria. 

Researchers found that doses as low as 1 mg per day of mastic gum inhibited bacterial growth. 

4. It may help ease symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Extensive research suggests that mastic gum may help ease the symptoms of Crohn’s disease, which is a common form of IBD.

In one small study, people who took mastic gum for four weeks experienced a significant decrease in the severity of their inflammatory symptoms. 

Researchers also found decreased levels of IL-6 and C-reactive protein, which are markers of inflammation. 

Clinical studies have emphasized a direct link between the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of Mastic Gum, providing plausible evidence that it may be an effective regulator of immunity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (i.e., Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis).

5. It may help lower cholesterol

A recent study found that mastic gum can have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. 

Participants who took mastic gum for eight weeks experienced lower levels of total cholesterol than those who took a placebo. 

People who took mastic gum also experienced lower blood glucose levels. The study also found that mastic gum had a greater effect on people who were overweight or obese. 

What else can help with indigestion?


Along with other metals such as Iron, Magnesium, and Copper, Zinc is part of a group called “trace minerals”, which have been proven to facilitate digestion. 

Zinc contributes to the normal function of the digestive  system by attaching to over 300 enzymes (structures made of proteins that break down other molecules); including essential enzymes that help break down food. 

Scientific evidence indicates that Zinc may act as a clinical gastroprotective, anti-secretory agent, in that it produces a rapid and prolonged inhibition of gastric acid secretion.

Vitamin B6

The vitamin B complex group of nutrients is responsible for many physiological processes such as producing energy, body metabolism and blood cell production, thus making them well known as essential to cell metabolism. 

While the group as a whole is important, each individual vitamin has unique benefits apart from their functions as a whole. 

Vitamin B6 benefits, for instance, include lipid and amino acid metabolism. Vitamin B6 is known as a mild natural diuretic.

Reducing stress & anxiety
Anxiety, stress and depression can all trigger chemical imbalances that lead to changes in how your body works, including your digestive system. Firstly, you need to know if your indigestion is linked to stress or anxiety. 

Try altering your diet to avoid the foods that trigger your indigestion. If your symptoms ease, stress or anxiety may not be to blame for your indigestion. 

If you are suffering from depression, stress, or anxiety it is important that you talk to someone and seek help.

Are you suffering from H plyori? 

Sometimes a germ called H. pylori can cause or make indigestion worse. It can infect the lining of the stomach and duodenum (the first part of the intestine).

Over half the world's population has it, being more common in developing countries. About 15 in 100 people are infected in the UK. 

The reason why people become infected is unknown. It is sometimes present in children which means we may acquire it at a very young age. Once you are infected, unless treated, the infection usually stays for the rest of your life. 

Your doctor may test for this and if necessary, give you a one-week course of treatment with three different tablets (two antibiotics and an acid-suppressing medicine) to get rid of it. 

However, up to 3 in 10 people develop some side-effects from this treatment, including indigestion, feeling sick (nausea), diarrhoea and headaches. 

Patients receiving this therapy have also encountered low treatment success (below 80%) in some cases. 

Scientists attribute this failure to a phenomenon called “antibiotic resistance.” This makes the medicine less effective, or not effective at all, in killing the bacteria. 

For this reason, much effort has been placed on finding alternative therapeutic approaches against H. pylori when the bacterial strains cannot be eliminated via traditional pharmaceutical methods. 



Bonus: what other action can I take to prevent indigestion?

1 Chew your food properly

Adequate chewing allows an enzyme in the saliva called amylase to efficiently break down the food you eat. 

As we age, we start to produce less saliva, and thus adequate chewing becomes even more important. 

Ingesting unchewed food can lead to problems such as bloating and can also reduce the amount of nutrients you absorb.

2 Eat smaller portions

Consuming small meals more often will prevent your digestive system from becoming overloaded and will increase your metabolic rate. This can prevent digestive discomfort. 

3 Eat slowly

Slowing down the rate at which you eat is another way to prevent overeating and the indigestion caused by it. This will give your body enough time to notify your brain that your stomach is full and to prevent you from eating too much.

4 Maintain an adequate fluid intake

Staying well hydrated can increase the efficiency of your digestive system and prevent digestive discomfort. You can maintain a good fluid intake by drinking plenty of water, herbal teas, and eating foods containing a high amount of water such as tomato, cucumber, watermelon and lettuce.

5 Eat gut-friendly foods

Diet can help maintain the levels of “good bacteria” in your gut, which are essential for optimal functioning of your digestive system. Consuming dietary prebiotics (i.e., oats, bananas, leeks), polyphenols (blueberries, cocoa, green tea) and fermented foods (kefir, kimchi) can maintain a healthy gut bacteria environment and a healthy digestion.

6 Keep a food diary

Keeping a food diary can help you identify which foods and drinks are most likely to trigger your indigestion. Once these triggers are identified, you can then cut them down or eliminate them from your diet to prevent indigestion.

Rich food, late nights, stress and poor diets can all impact your digestive system. We all experience indigestion differently, and its triggers differ from person to person. 

However, if you suffer from indigestion often, it can become troublesome, especially when you are attending a special occasion or spending time with friends and family. 

But good news! 

There are plenty of effective remedies, both short-term and long-term, that can help relieve the symptoms of your indigestion. 

If carried regularly, these solutions can truly improve your digestive health and prevent the distressing problems associated with indigestion. 

It is time for you to take back control and gain the freedom to enjoy the foods you love.

The 7 Best Foods To Avoid Bloating

Bloating is one of the most common and uncomfortable symptoms of dyspepsia, commonly known as indigestion. Whether you feel bloated at night, in the morning or throughout the day, here is a list of the best foods to help you avoid feeling gassy and bloated.

1. Chamomile & Peppermint tea

Both chamomile and peppermint relax the gastrointestinal muscles, dissipating the gas responsible for bloating. Chamomile also has an overall relaxing and soothing effect, helping to ease your irritated stomach. Both are particularly good if you feel bloated at night, because they  also help you get to sleep.

2. Ginger

Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that aids digestion and can soothe your irritated stomach. It allows the muscles of the digestive system to relax, helping to clear any gastrointestinal distress. Enzymes like zingibain absorb proteins in the stomach, and speed up the movement of food to the upper small intestine. As an added bonus, ginger helps strengthen the immune system and can be used as a remedy for colds, cramps and travel sickness.

3. Potassium rich foods

Food that is rich in potassium such as bananas, oranges, kiwis, pistachios, and avocados prevent water retention as they regulate the sodium levels in the body. At the same time bananas and kiwis contain soluble fibres which prevent constipation, limiting the likelihood of feeling gassy and bloated.

4. Papaya

Papaya contains an enzyme that breaks down proteins in the gastrointestinal system, preventing bloating and helping you to avoid an irritated stomach. Tropical fruits also possess anti-inflammatory properties and are rich in fibre. Papaya can be eaten fresh, as a plain fruit, or in smoothies making it a quick and easy breakfast option.

5. Probiotics

Probiotics are a well-known natural remedy for dyspepsia, they contain bacteria and yeasts which help regulate the digestive process. It has been found that they can restore the natural balance of bacteria in the stomach and intestines, especially after antibiotics have been used to treat illness. Probiotics can be found in certain types of yoghurt or as a supplement and really are a must if you wish to avoid gastrointestinal distress.

6. Asparagus

Asparagus allows the body to remove excess water eliminating any bloating in the stomach. It is enriched with prebiotics that promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut; vital when trying to avoid feeling gassy and bloated. Asparagus is particularly beneficial during pregnancy; not only can it relieve the symptoms of bloating, but it also contains folic acid, which promotes healthy development of the foetus and reduces the probability of birth defects. Who really needs gastrointestinal distress during the stress of a pregnancy?

7. Fennel Seed

In eastern culture the fennel seed has been used to treat indigestion symptoms for thousands of years. It belongs to the group of carminative herbs that includes coriander and peppermint. Many of these herbs and spices can be thrown into home cooked meals, making carminative herbs an easy way to promote healthy digestion and prevent a bloated stomach at night.

Everything You Need To Know: Candida/Candidiasis (Yeast Infection)

If you are forever plagued by symptoms such as thrush, bloating or fatigue, chances are you require an anti-fungal treatment, possibly due to the frequently talked of Candida yeast infection.  We take a look at everything you need to know about Candida, including its symptoms, causes and treatments.  Read more to figure out why this little yeast is getting so much attention!

What is Candida?

So what’s agreed on is that Candida, is a fungus, in the form of yeast.  It lives in your mouth and intestines in relatively small amounts aiding digestion and absorption of nutrients. In excess, known as candidiasis (a yeast infection) can lead to uncomfortable and potentially severe symptoms affecting areas of the body such as;

  • Skin
  • Genitals
  • Throat
  • Mouth
  • Blood

What are the symptoms of Candida?

Symptoms depend on what part of the body is affected and there are also some differences in opinion about what the symptoms extend to.  Commonly agreed symptoms include:

  • Digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, or diarrhoea
  • Cracking, redness, discomfort or white spots inside or around the mouth, tongue and lips
  • Vaginal infections, itching, soreness or discharge
  • Skin and nail fungal infections (such as athlete’s foot)
  • Tiredness or fatigue

What causes Candida?

Many agree that prolonged use of antibiotics, birth control, decreased digestive function, stress, steroids or impaired immunity can bring about Candida.

Treatment for Candida?

Treatments will vary and is dependent on many factors, including; which area of your body the yeast infection is affecting, your age, general health and/or the severity of the infection.  Fortunately, most Candida infections can be treated easily.  Typically, this is with anti-fungal over-the-counter medications, in the form of creams, tablets or mouthwashes, which can usually clear up the infection quickly, within 1-2 weeks.

Magastic is a natural supplement to help restore digestive function.  It contains mastic gum which is shown not only to be anti-fungal but also anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory.  Read more here:


Digestive Problems During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can disrupt the physiological processes of the body, with the gastrointestinal system being one of the most common. Digestive problems like indigestion, heartburn, nausea, flatulence, haemorrhoids and constipation all often occur during pregnancy. All these issues and how you can ease or prevent related symptoms are going to be discussed below.

Indigestion When Pregnant

Being pregnant means that high levels of hormones are produced,most of which relax the muscles in the body, including those of the gastrointestinal system. During pregnancy, progesterone is one of the most common hormones that the body produces more of. This hormone acts as a muscle relaxant, particularly for the uterus muscles,thus avoiding premature labour. This relaxation has a direct effect on the digestive system, causing indigestion accompanied by bloating, feeling full, discomfort in the chest or stomach and heartburn. As the baby grows, pressure is created in the stomach which can worsen the above symptoms.

Who is more likely to experience indigestion:

  • Women who have suffered from indigestion before getting pregnant.
  • Women who have been pregnant before.
  • Women at the later stages of pregnancy.

How to avoid and relieve indigestion and its symptoms:

  • Eat small meals throughout the day.
  • Avoid large portions.
  • Eat dinner at least 3 hours before going to bed to avoid indigestion at night.
  • Avoid extra pressure on the stomach after a meal.
  • Do not lie down for at least an hour after a meal.
  • Drink a glass of milk, which can help to ease any symptoms.
  • Avoid fatty and spicy foods which can irritate and take longer to pass through the digestive system
  • Avoid caffeine as it also affects digestion.
  • Avoid chocolate and fruit juices as they could be trigger factors.
  • Avoid bending over.
  • If symptoms persist the GP may prescribe you an acid-suppressing medication like omeprazole or ranitidine.

Heartburn When Pregnant

Heartburn is a digestive problem that pregnant women often experience. Progesterone is again responsible for this discomfort as it affects the oesophageal sphincter. This muscle is found at the top of stomach, and is designed to prevent the contents of the stomach, including stomach acid, moving up into the oesophagus. When that muscle relaxes, the stomach acid that is used for digestion, can move up to the oesophagus causing pain and discomfort. This is known as heartburn. Moreover, as the baby grows, it squeezes the stomach thus further displacing the acid. This is why, many women are suffering from heartburn during the second and the third trimesters.

How to avoid and relieve heartburn:

  • Eat smaller portions.
  • Eat slowly and chew your food well.
  • Stay upright after meals and avoid laying down in bed or on the couch to help digestion.
  • Avoid drinking while eating.
  • Drink peppermint or ginger tea, which can soothe the digestive system.
  • Wear loose clothes.
  • Keep a journal with foods that cause you heartburn and avoid them.

Constipation When Pregnant

40% of women will suffer from constipation at some point during their pregnancy. Progesterone is once again responsible for this symptom.  Normally, the bowel moves stools and waste products as the muscle that lines the bowel contracts and relaxes; a process known as peristalsis. Increased levels of progesterone, however, make it difficult for the bowel muscles to contract, making it harder for the stools to move along, thus leads to constipation.

What causes constipation:

  • Hormonal changes: increased production of progesterone.
  • Increased pressure in the intestinal area as the baby grows.
  • Increased levels of iron taken from supplements.
  • Lack of fibre intake.
  • Lack of fluids, including water.
  • Lack of exercise.

How to avoid and relieve constipation:

  • Drink water as this helps keep the stools soft.
  • Have a warm drink.
  • Exercise: Gentle exercise like yoga stimulates peristalsis.
  • Magnesium or Vitamin C supplements draw water in the bowel, stimulating peristalsis.
  • Maintain a healthy gut flora.

Nausea & Vomiting When Pregnant

Almost 90% of women will experience a form of food aversion, nausea or vomiting during pregnancy. Most of these symptoms are experienced during the first trimester. Nausea is a result of the hormonal changes in the body.

The most common food aversion that pregnant women face, is to protein. From an evolution perspective, scientists suggest that nausea is a mechanism to protect the baby against toxins and dangerous substances that could harm it. For instance, meat could contain bacteria or parasites that could put the baby in danger. Food aversion in smoky and spicy foods can also be explained using the same approach, as flavoured foods can mask the smell and taste of spoiled meat.

Nausea usually gets worse when blood sugar becomes low. However, during pregnancy, blood sugar levels tend to be high as the developing foetus requires a good supply of energy to grow. Thus, when a woman is experiencing nausea, it could be a sign that the body requires more energy.

How to avoid and relieve nausea:

  • Eat carbohydrates like cereals, crackers and bagels.
  • Avoid high fat foods.
  • Eat or drink ginger; known for reducing nausea.
  • Eat creamy food like avocados, yoghurts and cottage cheese.
  • Drink smoothies with coconut milk.
  • Take cod liver oil.
  • Iron supplements can often cause nausea. Take them with food or two hours after having a meal.

Haemorrhoids When Pregnant

Increased pressure in the veins of the anorectal area during pregnancy can cause haemorrhoids. Constipation can also be a factor. Haemorrhoids are swollen veins found in the lower rectum and around the anal area, which can either be internal or external. Haemorrhoids are associated with pain, severe itching at the opening of the rectum and difficulty in sitting. If haemorrhoids are left untreated, they can become worse as the pregnancy progresses, especially during the pushing stage of birth.

How to avoid and relieve haemorrhoids:

  • Avoid constipation.
  • Avoid standing still or sitting for a long time.
  • Use topical creams available in pharmacies.

What Is Indigestion (Dyspepsia) And How To Treat It

What is Indigestion (dyspepsia)?

Dyspepsia is more commonly known as indigestion. Most people are no strangers to having troubles with digestion. It can have a number of causes, so identifying the cause of your indigestion isn’t always easy. However, one thing is for sure: it is not a pleasant condition to put up with.

Indigestion can include both discomfort in your abdomen and heartburn, neither of which are very nice to experience. You might feel sick, bloated or gassy and you just want the feeling to go away. People often suffer from regular indigestion and identifying why it’s happening can take time. For some people, this might never happen.

However, having a better understanding of indigestion can help you to address it. You can begin to treat the primary cause of your dyspepsia instead of its symptoms. Even if you can’t get to the bottom of what’s going on, you can find the right treatment to help you.

For some people, medication or even surgery might be right. For others, it could be a natural treatment like Magastic Extra. Indigestion occurs when your digestive system isn’t functioning as it should be. There correct treatment or lifestyle change can help to get it back on track.

The Symptoms of Indigestion (Dyspepsia)

Dyspepsia can be presented by a number of different symptoms. Most people recognise it when they feel pain or discomfort in their abdomen after eating; it’s common to feel bloated or full and like the last meal you ate is just sitting in your stomach. Indigestion often comes with heartburn, which can feel like burning behind your breastbone.

Indigestion can cause you to experience belching or flatulence due to excess gas. It also can lead to nausea and sometimes food or stomach acid coming back up. Some people find that indigestion makes them vomit if they’re feeling particularly bad.

People who experience regular indigestion might have to look out for other symptoms. For example, they might start to lose weight unexpectedly. Some people might vomit regularly or experience difficulty swallowing.

These more serious symptoms could require a trip to see your doctor, as they could indicate more serious conditions, such as a stomach ulcer or even stomach cancer. Undergoing an endoscopy can help to identify potential problems. However, most people don’t have anything to worry about when they experience indigestion.

Types of Dyspepsia

There are two main categories of dyspepsia: organic and functional, which each have different causes. The organic causes of dyspepsia include:

  • Stomach ulcers
  • Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
  • Gastric or oesophageal cancer
  • Pancreatic disorders
  • Food and drug intolerances

Other infectious or systemic diseases

Functional dyspepsia can have a large range of causes. Identifying which one is resulting in regular indigestion can be difficult. It could be that the stomach isn’t able to accommodate a meal, in which case something could be impairing the ability of food to move from the stomach to the small intestine.

Regular dyspepsia could be caused by the H. pylori bacteria, which can cause stomach ulcers. Some people can also find that their digestion is affected by their mental health. Stress and anxiety can lead to a range of digestive issues.

Within these two primary types of indigestion, there are several causes that are common or important to watch out for.

Side Effects of Medication

Many medications have side effects, and digestive issues are certainly not uncommon. There are some types of medication that can suggest you might need to watch out for indigestion. For example, nitrates can cause the relaxation of the oesophageal sphincter: the muscle between your stomach and oesophagus.

When this happens, stomach acid can go in the wrong direction. NSAIDS, which include ibuprofen and aspirin, can cause issues. It’s advisable not to take them if you have existing digestive problems. Although some medications cause indigestion, it isn’t always possible to find a better one, so treating the indigestion is often the best thing to do.

Psychological Issues

Mental health can be a factor in indigestion and other digestive issues. Stress and anxiety can both cause people to have stomach discomfort. Ruling out physical causes of regular indigestion is important. However, it’s also necessary to consider the psychological issues that can lead to problems. Addressing these causes by improving mental health can lead to improved physical health.


Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Stomach Ulcers

Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori is a bacterium that can infect the stomach. It is a common infection, which can lead to stomach ulcers and, in rare cases, even stomach cancer. It’s only relatively recently that H. pylori was proved to cause stomach ulcers, which many still believe they are caused by stress.

These bacteria don’t always lead to indigestion, but they can be a cause. Taking antibiotics will get rid of the infection to relieve the symptoms.

If left untreated, H. pylori can lead to stomach ulcers, which are sores on the lining of the stomach or small intestine. Their cause isn’t always H. pylori infections, but it is the most common cause.

Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD)

GORD is a common cause of digestion issues. It occurs when the oesophageal sphincter isn’t able to prevent stomach acid from moving into your oesophagus, causing acid reflux. It's worth remembering that many people experience a bit of acid reflux without having GORD. For example, you might get it when you’ve overeaten or had spicy food.

However, it becomes a problem when it occurs on a regular basis. If acid reflux happens often, it can cause inflammation in the lining of the oesophagus. Sufferers can experience heartburn, among other symptoms.

Stomach Cancer

Occasionally, indigestion on a regular basis might be a symptom of stomach cancer. Cancerous cells can cause damage to the stomach lining, exposing your stomach to acid. However, this isn’t particularly common, particularly for younger people.

How to Treat Indigestion

People often find it frustrating to find the right treatment for their indigestion. It helps if they can identify the cause and address it. However, it isn’t always easy to find out what’s causing regular indigestion. Even if the cause is discovered, waiting for a diagnosis can take a long time and you might feel miserable in the meantime.

There are several ways to begin treating indigestion, both on your own and with the help of your doctor.

Diet and Lifestyle Adjustment

For some people, adjusting their lifestyle can help them with their indigestion problems. Obesity can be one factor that influences how often indigestion occurs. If you are very overweight, it can put pressure on your stomach and acid can be pushed back up more easily.

Diet can also be a factor, as well as other lifestyle choices, such as smoking. What you eat and drink also matters: there can be certain foods or drinks that give people indigestion. and these are different for each person. However, common culprits are fatty or spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol.

An improved diet can help to cut down on problems with indigestion.

Over-the-Counter Indigestion Treatment

There are several solutions that many turn to which are available from your local pharmacy. You can buy antacids to help relieve indigestion. If you’re not sure what might help, your doctor can recommend something, or they might also prescribe something stronger.

Many people will also prefer to use a more natural treatment like Magastic Extra.

You can choose a treatment to relieve the symptoms of indigestion when you experience it. You can also use a digestion aid that will help you to maintain healthy digestion and metabolism.

Managing Your Mental Health

For many people, addressing the psychological causes of indigestion can be important. Feelings of stress and anxiety can be one of the factors that lead to digestive issues. When this occurs, it’s important to deal with the causes as well as the symptoms. Finding ways to manage stress can reduce the frequency of indigestion

Persistent Dyspepsia

Some people may experience indigestion frequently, which can be disruptive to your lifestyle. In some instances, a prescribed medication might be the best way to treat dyspepsia. These can include proton pump inhibitors and H2-receptor antagonists. These medications can be a solution if antacids and other over-the-counter treatments aren’t working.

Magastic Extra for Indigestion

Magastic is a solution for those who prefer a natural approach to treating indigestion. It supports healthy digestion and metabolism using natural ingredients like mastic gum, which several clinical studies have suggested that this helps to relieve the symptoms of indigestion.

Magastic also contains zinc and vitamin B6, which both aid healthy digestion. Magastic Extra is designed to offer a natural way to help with the symptoms of indigestion. The chewable tablets and liquid formula are both fast-acting and taste of garden mint. They are suitable for vegans and vegetarians, as well as those with a variety of food allergies and intolerances.

Indigestion can be difficult to deal with. However, understanding what it is and its causes can help you to address it. 



Everything You Need To Know: Helicobacter Pylori

Whether you suffer from stomach discomfort or a simple thirst for knowledge has brought you here, this article will provide you with everything you need to know about Helicobacter Pylori.

What is Helicobacter Pylori?

Helicobacter Pylori, often referred to as H.pylori, was first discovered by two Australian doctors, Barry Marshall and Robin Warren, in the early 1980’s. Marshall was so determined to prove the connection between the bacteria and stomach ulcers - previously thought to be caused by stress - he drank H. pylori to infect himself. He soon developed symptoms of gastritis, which is the main precursor to peptic stomach ulcers. At first, the medical profession was sceptical about Marshall’s findings, however, it is widely accepted that the majority of stomach ulcers are caused by H. pylori.

Helicobacter pylori is a spiral shaped bacterium that grows in the gastrointestinal tract, including the duodenum (the upper section of the small intestine). The shape of the bacterium has evolved, enabling it to penetrate the mucus lining of the stomach wall, and avoid the harsh acidic environment of the stomach. In addition to this, the H. pylori bacteria secrete the enzyme urease which converts urea, a  chemical commonly found in the stomach, into ammonia. Ammonia reduces the acidity of the area surrounding the bacteria, further facilitating its survival.

How do you get Helicobacter Pylori?

Helicobacter Pylori infections are very common; nearly half of the British population have H. pylori present in their stomach. Most people become infected during childhood, however, the way in which the bacteria arrive in the stomach can differ. It can be passed from person to person through direct contact with saliva, or through the consumption of contaminated food or water. Without appropriate treatment, the bacteria remain in the stomach throughout life and can lead to serious consequences.

There are many ways to discover if H. pylori is present in the stomach: 

  • Breath Test: This is probably the quickest and easiest test. It involves swallowing urea, and then checking your breath after ten minutes for high levels of carbon dioxide. H. pylori breaks down urea in the stomach, which then releases carbon dioxide that shows up in a breath sample.
  • Blood Test: This test measures the antibodies that are produced by our immune systems in response to H. pylori bacteria. However, the test cannot tell you if you’re currently infected with the bacteria, only that it has been present at some point.
  • Stool test: A faeces sample is examined for H. wpylori antigens. This test can be used to diagnose infection or to discover if a course of treatment has been successful.

Symptoms of H. Pylori Infections

  • Stomach ache
  • Heartburn
  • Diarrhoea or constipation
  • Abdominal distention
  • Frequent belching
  • Constant feeling of hunger

Many of these symptoms are associated with various different medical conditions, so if you have any doubt speak to your GP or pharmacist to arrange a H. pylori test.

What problems can H. Pylori cause?

Despite the fact that most H.pylori infections show no symptoms, some of the medical conditions associated with the bacteria can be very serious.

Gastritis and peptic stomach ulcers are the medical conditions most associated with Helicobacter Pylori. Once established within the lining of the stomach, the bacteria start to weaken the protective mucous lining of the stomach wall and the duodenum. This allows stomach acid to damage the vulnerable stomach wall, causing irritation and eventually leading to a peptic stomach ulcer.

Symptoms of Stomach Ulcers:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Heartburn and acid reflux
  • Unexplained weight-loss
  • Dull pain in the stomach

In a lot of cases, the pain of a stomach ulcer is most intense in the middle of night when the stomach is empty. This can lead to a lack of sleep, which only adds to the discomfort of an ulcer. The above symptoms are associated with many stomach related conditions, highlighting the importance of consulting your GP or pharmacist if you have any doubts.

Peptic ulcers have been found to be a precursor to gastric cancer, which means that H. pylori infections significantly increases the chance of developing stomach cancer. This type of cancer is the fourth most common cancer worldwide, and is expected to be the cause of death for over 10,000 people in the United States alone in 2016. Although the statistics show that 80% of stage 1 stomach cancer patients survive for at least five years after diagnosis, the problem for many is that the cancer is not diagnosed at this early stage. The commonality of the symptoms mean that many people avoid seeking medical advice, which allows time for the cancer to develop and become more aggressive.

Treatment for H. Pylori Infections

  • Antibiotics
  • Altering your diet
  • Mastic Gum

Mastic Gum for Helicobacter Pylori

In order to treat the infection, you need to try and kill the bacteria. The good news is that H. pylori infections can be tackled using a product that has been used for hundreds of years and is 100% natural: Mastic Gum.

Mastic gum is a resin harvested from the mastic tree, found only on the Greek Island of Chios. It was Hippocrates, known to many as the father of medicine, who first identified the medicinal properties of mastic gum. The antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties of the gum, combined with its anti-oxidants, makes it very a powerful tool for fighting H. pylori infections. This has been confirmed by a number of recent studies.

Helicobacter pylori infection, although common, can become a serious problem if you are unaware that you are infected. If you think that you have the bacteria present in your stomach it is important that you seek medical advice from your doctor so that you can be correctly diagnosed. If you are unfortunate enough to be infected with H. pylori, remember that it can treated naturally using mastic gum. For more information on mastic gum follow this link:

Magastic Extra - Natural H Pylori Treatment